Before You Start
- Sole source/proprietary goods/services refers to goods/services that are only available from one single source (i.e., vendor).
- Sole source procurements are eligible to bypass source selection because there is only one vendor offering the good/service being purchased, so price comparison between vendors cannot occur.
- Sole source procurement is very rare. Modern service and commodity markets almost always have multiple businesses competing in their respective marketplace.
- Per Arkansas Procurement Laws and Rules (APLR) §19-11-232, the source qualification is met only when commodities and services are procurements which, by virtue of the performance specifications, are available only from a single source and cannot be competitively procured.
- If a purchase qualifies for sole source procurement, the procedures below must be followed. Use the Source Selection Worksheet to confirm qualification for sole source procurement.
Workflow as Steps
- Download the Sole Source Justification Form from the Procurement Services forms page.
- Fill out the form.
- When you are at the point of creating a requisition for your purchase, use the Internal Memo field to indicate Sole Source and attach the completed Sole Source Justification form.
- If the use of sole source procurement method is valid and there are no issues with your requisition, the Buyer will approve the requisition.