A framework PO is a type of PO used for services that are rendered multiple times within a fiscal year (e.g., lawn care, maintenance plans).
Framework Characteristics
- Only for services.
- Frameworks should have enough funds to cover invoices for a full fiscal year.
- Invoice amounts vary each period based on services received.
Before You Start
- If the expense is ≥$20,000, a procurement method is required.
- Framework Requisitions require supporting documentation.
To estimate annual spend:
Procurement Services recommends taking the previous year’s spend and adding 10%. This should help account for inflation or other price variations that occur from year to year.
- Run RPT- Purchase order Lines in Workday.
- Cost Center
- Supplier
- Date range
- Look at invoiced amount
- Export the report to Excel.
- Sum the Invoiced Amount column.
To enter a framework requisition in Workday
- Follow the instructions in Create a Purchase Requisition for a Non-Catalog Item, using Framework/Blanket as the Requisition Type.

- Once the Framework requisition is approved and the PO is generated, the Requisitioner will receive a notification in WD.
- The Requisitioner must email the PO # (not the PO document) to the vendor. Please remind vendor:
- PO # must be on invoices.
- Invoices must be sent to AccountsPayable@uams.edu.
Additional Help and Information
If PO Fully Expensed Before the End of the Framework Period
The Requisitioner must request an increase by emailing their Sourcing Buyer. The Sourcing Buyer will initiate a Change Order to adjust the PO as necessary.
Sourcing Buyer
If the information you are looking for is not on this page, you may reach out to your assigned Sourcing Buyer for additional support.
If you do not know who your assigned Sourcing Buyer is, contact the Procurement Manager.