Before You Start
- Gift cards may only be purchased for Research Subjects or Workshop Participants; Gift cards may never be purchased for employees.
- Amazon Gift Cards are the only permissible gift cards.
- Gift Cards may only be purchased using a P-Card Requisition. A Petty Cash Fund must be established before initiating the Requisition.
- Even if you or someone in your department have a P-Card, you must use a P-Card Requisition to procure a gift card because only Buyers are authorized to purchase gift cards.
Petty Cash Funds And Gift Cards
- Gift cards are the equivalent of and treated as Petty Cash Funds.
- A Petty Cash Fund must be established with the Treasurer’s Office to purchase gift cards for use as payment to research subjects or workshop participants.
- Once a Petty Cash Fund is established, the Treasurer’s Office will assign an Identifying Control Number.
- The Identifying Control Number is required to submit a P-Card Requisition for the purchase of gift cards.
- Submit P-card Requisition following the instructions outlined in the Create A Purchase Requisition For A Gift Card QRG.
- The gift cards get delivered to the Treasurer’s Office*.
- Treasurer’s Office completes verification for the gift cards then notifies the Custodian (as indicated in the Requisition) that the cards are ready for pickup.
- Custodian picks up gift cards and may issue to card recipients.
*A separate process exists for Requisitioners not located on Main Campus; the details are outlined in the Create A Purchase Requisition For A Gift Card QRG.
Additional Help And Information
Refer to QRG – Create A Purchase Requisition For A Gift Card for step-by-step instructions.
Refer to Admin Guide Policy 8.7.02 Petty Cash Funds to read supporting policy.